It is used to control and eliminate lost circulation due to fracures, broken formations. Lost-circulation materials can be broadly defined to include any material that seals or bridges against permeable or fractured formations to inhibit the loss of whole drilling fluid. An enormous variety of materials have been used to bridge, mat, and/or plug voids to combat loss of circulation. These materials can be divided into four categories: fibrous materials, flake materials, granular materials, and blends containing fibrous, flake, and granular materials.
Drilling Starch – is a high quality starch product used to reduce mud filtrate in most water-based mud systems, especially polymer non-dispersed. Drilling Starch is functional in freshwater thru saturated salt environments and does not increase fluid viscosity. Drilling starch filtration control additive is temperature stable to approximately 250°F (121°C). It is also used to encapsulate drill cuttings and exposed wellbore formations to reduce particle dispersion and reactive clay/shale formation swelling. Drilling Starch is non-damaging and can be used in both Drilling Fluid and reservoir Drill-in Fluid applications. Drilling starch meets API 13A specifications and is an economical and very effective filtration control additive.
It stabilizers the shale formation, inhibits dispersion of drilled solids, improves lubricity and reduces torque & drag of the drilling string. It controls HTHP fluid loss by producing a thin strong compressible wall cake.
When encountering shale during drilling operations, water in the drilling fluid may interact with the clay materials within the formation, causing the shale to swell. This can lead to instability in the wellbore, and dispersion of shale into the drilling fluid (sloughing), eventually leading to hole washout.
Depending on specific needs, we have developed a range of shale inhibitors with differing molecular weights, ionicity, and product forms to cater to different conditions and fluid systems. The products range from hydration inhibitors to multifunctional polymers which give additional viscosity and carrying capacity.
Alternatively where such viscosity is not desired i.e., in low solids non-dispersed muds or in mud pre-mix concentrates, this effect is minimized but shale inhibition is maintained. This is achieved by controlling polymer molecular weight during the manufacturing process.
Filtrate is the liquid portion of the mud system that is driven through a filter cake and into the formation by the differential between the hydrostatic pressure of the mud column and the formation pressure.
Essential additives which establish the right carrying capacity to move cuttings and other debris away from the drill bit, help maintain the correct pressure in the borehole, and lower filtration. In addition, while mud circulation is stopped, e.g., to add drill-string, a flat gel strength is produced which maintains cuttings in suspension, avoiding blockage at the drill-bit.
We offer a range of viscosifiers varying molecular weight, ionicity, and product form to address different requirements
Proec Ltd. is promoted by Manav Modi of the KN Modi Group. The group is one of India’s oldest industrial houses with interests ranging from chemicals, industrial gases to distilleries and higher education.